Postcards from our Second Life

Welcome to our blog. Welcome to a view of how our lives come together - an American, a Canadian and a British chap. Here we will chronicle for your education, your interest and absolutely for your amusement our discoveries in our friendships and our experiences in a virtual world called "Second Life".

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Almost there!

Something that is making me a little less bloggy than usual is the idea of newness. You see, I've become addicted to the 18th century! Sure, I had a brief flirtation with some bacon covered antlers, but basically I'm just changing my stockings and fluffing my frilly shirts lately. It's addictive! Granted, we're talking of an era in history when people thought nothing of caking their faces with so much arsenic they poisoned themselves into a stylish grave so perhaps clothes of that period have crystal meth woven into them. It would explain the need for so many wooden false teeth back then...

Anyway, I digress in a very digressing manner. I can't blog new while being so old fashioned, surely. Or can I?

Verily I can! The future is bright, the future is 1723! (I plucked it at random, it was actually a reasonably uneventful year in the grander scheme of things. But Vivaldi composed Four Seasons and we seem to have them all in a single day lately so I'm sticking with it.) But I digress, again. The point of this rambling red wine infused fun is that next week sees The 18th Century Fair! Becalm your merriment!

Now as a court gentleman I cannot expect too much. But I have been informed of something. A:S:S Decades will be there! A swanky aqua shade for the delightful Orleans breeches and vest is apparently in the works. Now obviously I can't wear partially stitched outfits, you never know when a seam will part and scare a chambermaid, but I was lounging around admiring myself in my set of Orlean creamwear earlier in the week so I thought I'd excitedly whip it out and share.

Orleans Cream

I'm not just blogging current, I'm blogging next week! And I'm still ~300 years late...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Don't forget the bacon

Oh yes, this is Two Girls and A Brit isn't it. I should probably stick my British nose in now I think of it...

So yes, I am a sometimes blogger. Honestly, I can't be trusted with my own one since I am truly awful at time management to do anything useful with one. Actually, I do have one all by myself. It gets even less attention than when I feel guilty about leaving everything to others. But I'm (vaguely) serious over at my friend Marg's blog. So I thought I might be a little more self-indulgent here. Who knows, we'll see what voice I find. But for now, I've said hello and I'm going to kick back and relax in the best way I know - with a big comfy chair and some bacon!


That's me! I tend not change a great deal, so you should have an idea of what's being added and taken away. I would've shown nipple but to be honest, I think we'd all rather see the bacon.